Dilectron - Electronic design


Dilectron - Electronic design

Innovative products


We look for concepts and solutions that provide new ways of interacting with our surroundings and carrying out our favorite activities


We pay special attention to the functionality of our products to make elements that are useful and user-friendly


When the time comes to take our projects into real world, we collaborate with highly experienced manufacturers who provide the highest quality to the final product

Know us: Dilectron, a bet for the future

Our company was born with the spirit of innovation. We want to create new, unique and practical products. We also want to reinvent what already exists with fresh and innovative ideas that adapt it to the present.

Once we select a new idea, which may well be our own or that of a client, we carry out the design of the product in a way that it meets our goals and objectives, both for the software that controls it and the necessary hardware to give it life.

Follow us: Dilectronand its activities

Electronic scoreboards

As our first foray into the market, LEDsGame electronic scoreboards mark the first milestone in our philosophy. Designed to provide a modern, simple, and economical scoring system for any tennis and padel court that is accessible to all.

Custom design for the client

Have an idea that has been around your head for a long time but you did not know how to carry it out? We will listen to your proposal and present you our best solution, staying true to our principles of creativity and functionality.

Future projects

Our mind does not rest, and we’re full of new ideas of all kinds. In fact, we have already chosen one that we found particularly special, and we are working to carry out the launch of a surprising new product.

The tennis and padel courts of the future

Enter the LEDsGame electronic scoreboards WEB and discover all the advantages that they will bring to your facilities.

Contact us: Dilectron, at your service

If you want more information about us or want to ask us about the viability of your project, please fill in the fields with your full name, contact e-mail, and purpose for your inquiry and we will answer as soon as possible.

Or if you prefer, send us an e-mail: admin@dilectron.com

Daganzo de Arriba, Madrid (Spain)

Privacy policy

Please, read here our privacy policy for your personal data and check the acceptance checkbox so we can answer your query.